Good evening; I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful week so far… We are getting some really hot days now,, whewwww,,,,, but as of right now we are getting some pretty good storms…. but it is very humid out, glad I am in side.
I am being a bad blogger, not getting around to visit you all… It seems that with Summer everyone gets so busy with out door things. But I am going to make sure tomorrow night after my classes I will be stopping by to see what you have been up too.
Well last weekend was my Baby Girls baby shower, it was so fun,,,, every one had a great time, and I made way too much Pasta Salad,,,, I ate that all week, so I am not ready to eat that any time I did take a few photos,,,,, ok a lot of photos,, but I won’t bore you with them all.. so I will just show off a few.. Ok here we go…

So this is the Mommy of the day,,,, I love her glow,, as of right now she is 81/2 months.. she is doing well,,, still working,, Ok I have to do some bragging on my baby girl,,,,, Heather has worked at her factory job for about 15 yrs,,, she is on her feet 8 to 10 hrs a day, wearing steal toed shoes and long pants with a hard hat and gloves…. now the work she is doing now is not that hard,,, just light work,,, which I am so happy about,,, so with that said,, Heather is a real trooper went to work with morning sickness,, now puffy feet from standing,,, she has not complained one bit… She is starting her leave after July 4th, which is two wks before her due date,, now I want her to take it now, but she said she wants to work as long as she can… The Dr.. said she is doing great and not to worry but you know how us Mommy’s are,,, we worry.. Ok I am done now,,just had to brag some…… thank you.. now more photos..

My niece Jenny made the diaper cake,, it is so cute..
Jenny and Heather;

I really don’t like this photo of me,,, but it is what it is,,, behind me on the wall is a photo of all three of my kids…. I just love it…. the girls are holding a Purple flower in honor of our sweet April….she loved purple..

My granddaughter Madison,, she wanted to get in on the games,,, she is trying to find small safety pins in a bowl of rice,,, you would think it would be easy,, but it is really hard to tell the difference between the pin and rice…..

Madison and my great niece Karly wanted to help hand her the gifts… they did a great job too.

Yeah look what I got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She received two of the same PJ’s from two ladies,,, guess they have the same taste…..

OK this is Heather practicing swaddling Madisons baby doll… it was so cute,,,

Yeah!!! she pasted the test,,, it was touch in go there for a while,, but she made it…..

Top photo is the finished Quilt I made for Little Guy,,, I was worried about my fabric choices but it all flowed really well.. I was so relieved,,, and the colors are prefect with the Nursery…. hang in there I am almost done,,,,

A few of the gals she works with,, and Jenny…. and the gifts boxes I made for every one as a thank you for coming…. inside was a yummy tea light and a lavender sachet I made with my dried lavender,,, boy my dinning room really smelled great…..
Now the fun part of the party,,,, the cutting of the cake,,,, it was so yummy yum,,,
Well I hope you enjoyed my photos of the shower,, we all had such a great time…
Oh have any of you watched the new show on Bravo,,,, Millionaire Decorating?????? it is on Tuesday nights,, I am so loving that show,,,, the homes they decorate are gorgeous,,, and the money they spend,,, outrageous,,, what fun would that be spending someone else's money… if you have not seen it,,, you should check it out if you can get it where you are,, you will love it….
Thank you all so much for taking the time to stop by my little blog,, I appreciate it very much, and for the sweet comments you leave,,,, blog friends are the best…
So until next time; God Bless