Thursday, November 6, 2008


Girl Quilting 

Good Afternoon;  Wow we are having a very windy day today here in Indiana...  I wonder if  it will be worth all the trouble to rake my front yard of the leaves,, or will they just blow back in later. ha ha  My three trees are just now turning colors, they are very late bloomers. So they don't drop their leaves until the end of Nov. or the first of Dec. which is such a bother cos all the other leaves are already swept up by the street dept. Then ours just sits in the street until spring. bummer.. oh well.  This is not what I am posting about any way. I wonder alot lol  sorry....

This is just  to remind you all that I will be showing tomorrow my 100 post give away. I am getting all the pretties together to take a photo of then post tomorrow. Now sure what time probably late afternoon, Heather has the day off work tomorrow and we are going to go look at some bushes for her house. So please stop by and take a look and leave a comment for the drawing... I am so excited about my drawing, I love to give things a way,.............   well some    So keep me in mind and have a wonderful day...  God Bless;




Vanessa Greenway said...

Great! I'm excited for you! Congratulations on your 100th post! Have a wonderful evening! Hugs, Vanessa

SmilingSally said...

If you rake the leaves now, what good will it do? Don't more just fall? I don't have leaves to rake, so I don't understand.

Pink Slippers said...

Can't wait!

Justabeachkat said...

Yeah, a giveaway!! Sign me up!


(Come visit me...I have a double dog dare for you)

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Wow! Your 100th post! That's a major milestone! So cool!!!!!!!! Can you see I love exclamation marks today?!?!?! ;)


April said...

Good Morning!

I came across your blog by way of Carrie's (I think!). So nice to meet you! Please feel free to drop by my blog and say hello. I always enjoy meeting new people!

Happy Friday!!

Neabear said...

I have to do that, rake leaves that is. Or maybe I will have hubby do it. Anyhoo, looking forward to seeing what you will do for your giveaway. What fun!