Friday, April 3, 2009



Good After noon to all my sweet and dear friends... I want to thank you all for your support and prayers.. The Dr. had some bad news and some good news.... Well the bad news seems to be that some time ago they don't really know how long,,, he had a mild hardtack, it was at the bottom of his heart and small, it is dead scar tissue now. But the good news is that it is not bad, his heart is ok in every other way that matters.. So Praise the Lord on the news.  So he is going on a different diet and exercise more.. I was so up set about hearing that news,,, how could I have missed that and not know he was having one... Even though it was a small one.  He said that about  5 wks ago he felt some burning in his chest and it went down his left arm, but Never told me..... I was not happy at all...  He does have a history of heart problems along with high blood pressure.. I told him to never not tell me any more....   I am so grateful to the Lord,,, it could have been so much worse that what it is...  So again ladies I thank you all so much for you love and concern and most of all your Prayers... How faithful our Lord is...

I am still not feeling well so I am going to go and find my heating pad and lay down a bit... we are getting some rain along with thunderstorms this weekend... So that is why I feel so nasty...  I hope you all  have a great weekend.. I will see you all on Pink Saturday...   Until next time ;  God Bless



1 comment:

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

AMEN!!! God does hear our prays...may e embrace you and your DH ...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria