Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Diagonal Sand

Good afternoon all. See the photo??????  this is my back yard if we don't get some rain soon... it looks like rain but I don't think it is going to happen, so I guess I am going to have to find our weather person and give the am smack........  You know they never get it right any way.  Well this is not what I was going to post about any way. Sorry I got off the track.

Now about my Goodie Box, my Sweet and Dear Blog Friend Vanessa sent me such wonderful thoughtful gifts in the mail. It is like Christmas. She is such a dear and I love reading her posts,  Vanilla Lavender; if you have not been to visit her please stop by you won't be sorry.

I took some great photos to share what great taste she has. So hang on, oh by the way It was a Pay it Forward which I might add is a wonderful way to say Thank You and Appreciate them. Jan for Jan and Toms Place she started it and I joined in and so did Vanessa, so I hope more of you out there will do the same, not need to it up big , just a little  somein somein in the mail.

So here is the photos. you will be amazed.  

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Is this not the prettiest pink netting you have ever seen.......

I am going to have to find some really neat way to use it hummm.

The card she sent too was so sweet she is such a doll. 

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How cute are these flip flops she sewed on the floral yoyo with pearl button.Shelby and goodie box 019

Just had to try them on, not don't look at my tootsies they need redone. ha ha  just love them......... squealllllll

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Have you ever seen such wonderful pretties things.

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This a very pretty and cute tea caddy and sweet wallet see the little yo yo with a button, love it.

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Love the salt and pepper shakers I am so sorry to say that one got broken, but don't worry Vanessa I can glue them back together, they are in huge pieces So please don't be up set they are not very careful with boxes. I want you to know that when I saw this I went straight back and told then and then gave each and every one I saw a smack on the cheek . lol

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Love the glass creamer, don't you love the  cut glass.

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The is a very sweet sugar bowl you can't see it but it has etched grapes on it.

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I put it all right here, this is my coffee and tea station, sorry about my can opener. It really does not go with the look so I am going to take it down, I don't like using it any way. The three drawer chest I found at a craft show.

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I put my creamer in the sugar bowl the spoon fits just right in it, this is the baby spoon I used for my first born Heather, so it is 32 yrs old. Don't tell her I told you how old she is..... shhhhhh


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Just had to get the sweet card in, oh and the green kitchen towel is also from her, it all goes so well with my kitchen.

Vanessa my friend; I want to Thank You so much for all the beautiful things you picked out for me.You have such wonderful taste in decorating. It means so much to me, I am having trouble putting them in to words.  Can you believe that.......  ha ha

And a thank you to all the lovely friends who left me such sweet comments. I think every one of you are the bestest in the world. I truly am Bless. I know I say that a lot but it is so true.

God Bless;




SmilingSally said...

When the mailman brings a box of nice things, it is like Christmas. Enjoy your gifts!

Dawn said...

What a beautiful gifts you received. Everything is wonderful. Vanessa chose some very pretty items. The tray is gorgeous. I like the glassware as well. You are truly blessed with friends.

take care,

Anonymous said...

Alura, I have to say, that is a wonderful box of gifts. Vanessa is a real sweetheart and has wonderful taste. Enjoy them all to the fullest.

Hugs, Jeanne

Vanessa Greenway said...

Hey Alaura!! I'm so glad so hear you liked the little things I chose for you! Urrrr I told the PO officer I had glassware in the box and he said he'd be extra careful with it, I guess not. Those yo-yo are some of the things I love making, knitting and sewing. ( my mama used to teach when I was just a little girl.) Super big hugs! and thanks again for the goodie box and for hosting PIF too! Vanessa

Bella Della said...

Oh my goodness...Vanessa is amazing. What a wonderful package. And what a special treat for you. Love that tray!

Unknown said...

WOW!! What a beautiful package of goodies! Love those flip flops and the tray is gorgeous!

We need rain so badly here too! The grass looks burned!

Thank you so much for the encouraging comment on my blog, I really appreciated it! :)


Lori said...

Hi Alaura! What adorable flip flops! Lucky you! Didn't realize til today you were from IN unless I forgot! Loved your Autumn excitement! I am SO shocked I've not one fall decorations out and this is my favorite time of year! Shame on me!!! later,Lori

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

WOW! How sweet of your friend to send you all those pretties! Good for you!

Kim's Treasures said...

Alaura what a wonderful package!!! Love the yo-yo flip flops...I will be making some of those now! Everything is lovely!


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

How fun to get the goodies! I really love those flip flops!


Unknown said...

You got some great stuff