Good afternoon every one. I took some pictures of my home today, and thought I would share them with you. Although I made sure that it was clean and tidy. It was a busy morning for me and hubby, he mowed the back yard and I mowed the side yard, then I pulled lots and lots of weeds. Swept the patio racked the yard,{i can't stand hay looking grass in my yard} So after I did that I was ready to shower and sit a bit. Hubby took our two oldest grandsons to see the new Bat Man movie. I did not want to go, I am not a big fan. My sweet sister and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things then home. Sister left this after noon, I will miss her but it is nice to be alone with my Honey Bunny.
I am so excited about my new store at Etsy. I have had lots of people stop and take a look, so things are going well. Now I just have to sell them. ha ha ha :] But I can wait,,,, I have waited this long.......... Ok maybe I can't wait. smiling!!
The boys seemed to really like the movie, I know I am off the subject again sorry.. Lyosha and Paul really loved it, and Grandpa did to. He said it was well written. Ok I hear you no more Bat Man. I am ready to show you my little home. READY..........

This is the right side of my fire place. I love my built in book shelves. I redo them at least three times a year, or more. I just never think that they look good.
I need to buy some more pretties to replace some of the ones I have. I am always changing my mind. Drives my Hubby nuts.

Just a close up of my winter scene photo. I really love that one. And the black egg is from Russia my daughter brought it back for her nephew Zachary. It is really pretty. I am keeping it so he doesn't loose it. He is only five.
This is a picture my Sweet Sister let me have it fits in really great with my color's in my family room. It is over our fire place. My mantle needs something else not sure what, but when I find it I will know... ha ha It is of a Paris street scene. Don't you just love it.....
This is the left side of the fire place, I painted the back of the shelves to match the wall color. I think it makes my pretties stand out a bit more. The little lamp is from my sweet sister too. I can't believe she said to just take it,,,, so I did. lol:]
OOPS; I just saw that I have my ugly air cond. in the shot. It does not work we just not have taken it out yet. I know shame on us. So just cover it up and pretend it is not there.....
Now this is just a close up of the bottom of the case, I tried to get a closer shot, but my camera just made it look to out of focus. Or maybe it is just my eyes... down below is two draws and two doors that hold lots of stuff. on the other side it holds my grand kids toys and they know where they are and can get to them easier with out making a huge mess.
I hope you can see this handsome fellow. I love Boyd's Bears, I collect them, well not much any more running out of room for them. He is so sweet and quietly reading his book. Such a good little Bear. He loves to sit and read.
I just had to get my little sweetie pie in the shot or she would be very us set with me. My daughter gave her to me for a Christmas gift. She loves to be in the center for the show with a light on her. What a little show off......
Now this is between my sofa and chair, this is the very first quilt I made. It is a log cabin called barn raising. I have quilt blocks every where, my poor kids couldn't hardly move through our house. The pretty pink lamp was a Mother's day gift, I just love it. I painted my quilt shelf a creamy white. The chest is going to get painted soon a white color. I found it in my father in laws old out building and he just gave it to me years ago. I love free stuff. don't you......
Ok now this is above my sofa, and my sister let me have these two wonderful pictures. They are a Italian garden just lovely. And the two pillows on the sofa I made just love how they match my slip cover, I love slipcovers, when I want a change I just look for another one. And they wash so well, now shrinking or dry cleaning. How cool is that.Any one getting tired of my home yet, hang in there not too many more to go.
And this is a side table by my TV cabinet. The picture I found at Hancock fabric, at half off. It is and Italian farm land with a stone house. Love it... And the photo on the table is of Me and Hubby on our wedding day. Wow I was thin then... The lamp base was a dark green I painted it what else.. white and found the shade at Target, It is Laura Ashley. I bought two the other one is in my bedroom.
Ok this is the last one, I had to show every one my fire place, I am thinking of painting my brick, the color of the shelf's not to sure yet. The brown really does not go with any of the room, oh and my ugly blue carpet, some day that will be gone also.
Well I hope every one enjoyed my little tour of our home. It is always a work in progress, I am always finding new things to do here and there. I have one wall to finish painting and putting up bead board, then the family room will be done. Except for the carpet. I am waiting for cooler weather, so maybe in the fall.
So now my dear friends I want to Thank Each and Every one of you for such supportive and uplifting comments. You all inspire me so much with you kind words. With out your continued support and with my dear Husband's I would not have had the courage to do a store on line. So I thank you for that. May the Good Lord Bless each and every one of you, and to watch over all.
Have a great and Blessed Sunday..