Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Good Morning; and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all....  I hope you are having a wonderful morning. I am now,  getting everyone up and off to work or school and not quite time for me... ahhhh how sweet it is, I have my coffee my feet up I can hear all the lovely birdies out side singing and welcoming in the new day. Don't you just love it.....  Today is going to be a great day for me to do get out and do a little yard work,,,  wooohoooo... I get to play in the dirt again, I have so missed that. All this week it is going to be very warm days......................    and no  Snow or Rain...  again   woooohooo......   It is about time that we get some Spring days.

Yesterday I spent most of it in my craft room, getting my Easter Swap partner's basket ready. I have a couple of more things to put together then I should be done, it was a wonderful quite time in my craft room... Ahhhhhh loved it.....  he he he .....


Know I do know that on my Grandmother's side  my Daddy's Mom ,  we have some Irish, her maiden name was  Clousson not sure of the spelling, but that is about all I know about that.  I would really love to find out more about that side of my family, I know about the German and we have French and some Jewish, I fell like a  huge  mixed bowl of Soup.... hahahaha  but I love to hear and find out more about my family.  But it really cost's way too much money to look some things up, so I will be on the hunt to find out by my self  with out paying alot of money out...  So any help would be great in this matter,,, if any of you know how to go about looking into family back ground's  I would love to hear about it....     Well   Me Darlin's   I hope you have a wonderful green St. Paddy's Day;;;;   With a day as beautiful as this  I am sure I will. I have lots to catch up on this morning before my day gets going...   I want to thank you all  for reading my silly post;s and deeming me worthy to leave to a sweet comment....  My the Lord Bless you all;;;;;   So until next time;  God Bless;





Anonymous said...

Your morning sounds like mine. When I let the fur babies out early this morning the birds were singing. Im not sure what bird it is that sound like he is singing PRETTY PRETTY. I always love that.Now it is coffee time and my legs are up. now I think instead of digging in the dirt I have to go get all those groceries put away from yesterday.
Have a good day.

trash talk said...

Top of the mornin' to you sweetie! The birds are singing in the backyard and the sun is shining! It is a good day. Thank you Lord. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Just Google printable coupons. if they make you fill out a bunch of info to get them move on to the next one. You just print and clip. They change out often plus you can get some for restaurants,home depot and such. Have fun.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good morning. I love your vintage St. Patrick's Day graphics.


BittersweetPunkin said...

Happy St Patricks Day Alaura!! I love the graphics in your post. It is WET here where I am...snow and sleet and hail, and soooo cold...temps in the 30s and 40s. No Spring in sight here yet!